IN BALANCE – Transition To Fall

Frederick Hansen, flickr

I love this time of year!!  The colors of changing leaves, cozy scarves to hug my neck and the beginning of a calmer time ahead.  The hurried excitement of summer already seems long in our past.

The only season with two names, fall is also known as autumn. Previously referred to as harvest, it is the time of bounty. Regardless of which name you prefer; gather, nourish, and enjoy your transition.

“…From the perspective of Chinese medicine, moving into fall means “entering the time of the lungs.” Symbolically it is time of exhaling, of letting go. So go ahead and finish those summer projects you’ve been working on, and then release the old just as the trees release their leaves. Make room for reflection…”

Continue to read more from my article in the Bay View Compass,IN BALANCE — Transition to fall
