What to expect

We want you to be comfortable with our services. Whether you’re new to acupuncture or a seasoned veteran, we want to help you understand how the process works so that you feel prepared for your visit. 

New patients are encouraged to complete paperwork online before their first appointment or arrive 20min. early to complete in person. 

What does the first treatment consist of?

Together, we will review your medical history and current care. Our Chinese medical intake and exam will help us determine the best way to treat the root of your condition(s).  A treatment plan is then discussed based upon your history, intake, tongue, and pulse. We set measureable goals to meet your needs.

For your treatment, you will either lie down on a treatment table or recline in a chair.  Once you’re comfortable, your provider will guide you through the process before needles are inserted or any other therapy begins. Herbal formulas and nutritional recommendations will be discussed during or at the end of each session.

How do I prepare for a treatment?

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will allow us access areas of your body. We want you to keep warm while you relax, so there’s no need to get fully undressed.

Be sure to eat a snack or small meal an hour or two before your appointment.

If possible, avoid strenuous activity or exercise after your session to allow for continued relaxation.

How do you diagnose ailments before treatment?

Practitioners use various methods to evaluate a patient’s condition:

  1. Observing a patient’s appearance (especially the tongue)
  2. Hearing/smelling
  3. Asking questions
  4. Feeling a patient’s pulse, palpating the body or abdomen

Pulse taking and palpation are important tools in determining the correct course of treatment and the body’s response to treatment. Practitioners feel the pulse from multiple depths at both the right and left radial artery at the wrist. Each location represents different body systems and underlying imbalances or disfunction can be felt.

How long does an appointment last?

We enjoy spending time with our patients and believe quality health care requires attention and active listening. With each visit, we look forward to getting to know you better.

Your first visit will last about 90 minutes and subsequent visits are around 30-60 minutes.

Once the acupuncture needles are inserted, you will lay comfortably for 15-45 minutes.  And if you fall asleep, that’s okay!

What will I feel?

Each person will experience the effects of acupuncture a little differently. Depending on the type of problem being treated, some people may start to notice the benefits almost immediately. Others may feel a difference a few hours after treatment, while some may need a few treatments before they notice an improvement. After a treatment, some people become very relaxed while others may feel energized. Most people experience little to no pain at all.

How many treatments will I need?

For most conditions, a series of several treatments is required for you to achieve the maximum benefit. The course of treatment for many complaints will range from 6-12 treatments, while the typical course of treatment for chronic conditions might be a weekly treatment over 3-6 months. After your initial evaluation, you will be given recommendations on the number and frequency of treatments. Since acupuncture has a cumulative effect, we may encourage you start with four weekly visits in the beginning and gradually taper off, eventually coming in for monthly maintenance.

How much will it cost?

Prices vary depending on the treatment, but typically range from $25-100 depending on the type and length of service.

Our student clinic offers treatments for just $30.


Do you accept insurance?

Though most insurance plans do not cover acupuncture or the other therapies we provide, we encourage all of our patients to check with their provider.  Many of our patients use their flex-spending account (pre-taxed funds) or their HSA (health savings account) to pay for treatment.  8 Branches is happy to provide the necessary paperwork to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company.
